Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Boo Ya'll!

Well, I am a day delayed in posting this, but that's due to a day trip on the heels of the festive Monday Halloween we just spent. Getting up at 5 am and racing to the airport is just cruel punishment after the boo fest of Monday evening, but somehow I managed to do it!
Monday was extra special as it was Baby B's very first Halloween. I know, I'm sure I've mentioned that five times already. Anywho, we definitely celebrated in style. After sneaking out from the office a few minutes early, we gathered at home to dress the babe, costume the dogs, prep some party snacks and get dinner ready to go ... ALL before the trick or treat fun could begin!

Zsa Zsa and Pops conquered Halloween afternoon traffic to join us just in time for the partying to begin. After prepping some yummy bbq chicken sliders for the big kids at the Halloween party, our entire crew; grandparents, baby, dogs and all, headed over to our friends M and S's house for a rambunctious, wild time for the littles.

The littles (and the bigs) all had fun socializing and playing games. Baby B was an adorable addition to the annual party crew with his precious pumpkin costume and the diva dogs proudly sported their matching bumble bee costumes. We've learned to choose our battles and not require the antenna on the bees ... yellow and black frock is simply sufficient!

After the party, we headed back to our homestead to let our little pumpkin rest a bit before bedtime and we dined on Alessio's stromboli (yum!). It was a crazy two hours with at least 100 trips to the front door where it was my civic duty to remind the costumed savages that they must say "Trick or Treat" and not just hold a bag out like a begger in order to partake in candy. I guess my strategy worked because we ran through about 5 BIG bags of candy in the process!

Things wound down promptly at 9 and it couldn't have happened sooner. Exhausted, Dear Hubs helped me begin gathering up our Halloween decor so that the house would be de-spooked come November 1. That man knows me well.... he knew I'd have a hissy fit if that stuff stayed up too long. Afterall, I have a quick Thanksgiving changeout and then it's onto Christmas!!! (he's rolling his eyes right now if he reads this).

So happy fall ya'll! Hope everyone celebrated a fab Halloween ... now onto being thankful!

Baby B - I just love this pic!!!

The girls and Baby B

The mummy game

The Fam

(cough... they are all going to kill me for posting this one :)!)

My diva dog bumble bees

Mummy D

Cute pumpkin

B and K
The fam

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