Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Steak and Baked Potato

Just a day shy of 4 months old, Mr. B took his first try at eating rice cereal off of a spoon!  I thought it would be wise to try when we had leisure time on Sunday rather than waiting until the hustle and bustle of the week.  So, around dinner time, Mr. B sat comfortably in his bumbo seat on the kitchen island while mama proudly presented him the spoon full of cereal.  With a few careful bites, Mr. B was a pro.  By the second feeding, he grabbed the spoon and was convinced he could feed himself!  It was a sad moment when I had to retrieve the spoon (so he didn't gag himself!).

So Much Changes in Just 3 Months

It's amazing how quickly time flies!  I know that's so cliche but it's so true.  In October, we met up with the fabulous photography team at Sara Esther Photography and headed for a park near the intown neighborhood of Ansley.  They snapped and snapped and we were left with some wonderful shots of our little family!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Boo Ya'll!

Well, I am a day delayed in posting this, but that's due to a day trip on the heels of the festive Monday Halloween we just spent. Getting up at 5 am and racing to the airport is just cruel punishment after the boo fest of Monday evening, but somehow I managed to do it!
Monday was extra special as it was Baby B's very first Halloween. I know, I'm sure I've mentioned that five times already. Anywho, we definitely celebrated in style. After sneaking out from the office a few minutes early, we gathered at home to dress the babe, costume the dogs, prep some party snacks and get dinner ready to go ... ALL before the trick or treat fun could begin!

Zsa Zsa and Pops conquered Halloween afternoon traffic to join us just in time for the partying to begin. After prepping some yummy bbq chicken sliders for the big kids at the Halloween party, our entire crew; grandparents, baby, dogs and all, headed over to our friends M and S's house for a rambunctious, wild time for the littles.

The littles (and the bigs) all had fun socializing and playing games. Baby B was an adorable addition to the annual party crew with his precious pumpkin costume and the diva dogs proudly sported their matching bumble bee costumes. We've learned to choose our battles and not require the antenna on the bees ... yellow and black frock is simply sufficient!

After the party, we headed back to our homestead to let our little pumpkin rest a bit before bedtime and we dined on Alessio's stromboli (yum!). It was a crazy two hours with at least 100 trips to the front door where it was my civic duty to remind the costumed savages that they must say "Trick or Treat" and not just hold a bag out like a begger in order to partake in candy. I guess my strategy worked because we ran through about 5 BIG bags of candy in the process!

Things wound down promptly at 9 and it couldn't have happened sooner. Exhausted, Dear Hubs helped me begin gathering up our Halloween decor so that the house would be de-spooked come November 1. That man knows me well.... he knew I'd have a hissy fit if that stuff stayed up too long. Afterall, I have a quick Thanksgiving changeout and then it's onto Christmas!!! (he's rolling his eyes right now if he reads this).

So happy fall ya'll! Hope everyone celebrated a fab Halloween ... now onto being thankful!

Baby B - I just love this pic!!!

The girls and Baby B

The mummy game

The Fam

(cough... they are all going to kill me for posting this one :)!)

My diva dog bumble bees

Mummy D

Cute pumpkin

B and K
The fam

Sunday, October 23, 2011

13 before 13

Just days before Beckham turned 13 weeks old, mommy set a goal for herself to run a half marathon.  While a little nutty and a little far fetched, I woke up early and headed down to the starting line in Brookhaven and ran my little heart out.  Just a short 2 hours and 30 minutes after the start, I finished the race with an impressive time and an equally impressive endurance!  So put a check mark on the list - mission accomplished!

3 Months!

On October 7th, we celebrated Mr. B's 3 month birthday.  As with all special occassions, this one couldn't go unnoticed.  While a full fledged fete wasn't in order, pizza with friends, cupcakes and good cheer were in order. 

When Beckham saw the cupcakes he was a hoot ...

At first he was confused - is this for me???

And then he thought, perhaps they would taste better than my fingers?

And then he thought just a little taste wouldn't hurt anything ...

Happy 3 months to our little man, we love you plenty!  May the giggles and good times always be this good!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Hat

This was too cute not to share.  One of our new favorite things is a long, leisure Saturday walk. The days have been just beautiful here this fall and the weather is in our favor.  We typically setout for a few mile treck and end up at the Windermere Golf Club for lunch.  I think it's a nice treat for the hard work we endured to get there :).  A few weeks back, to ensure that Mr. B's little head didn't get too toasty, he wore an adorable little white Ralph Lauren hat that Granma gave him. 

Here's how we started the walk....

Before long, we were warm and fast asleep ....

Then, just a few minutes later as we walked along; I looked down to find this....

Fear not, he didn't seem to mind one bit and slept soundly in his new found shade! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Perfect 10

It's so amazing how quickly time is flying by us.  Today, Beckham celebrates 10 weeks with us.  Ten simply perfect weeks.  We are so very blessed to have him in our lives and just love every minute with him!


Just like how we ended month one, month two came to an official close with a trip to the doctor's office.  Dr. Cabrera was pleased to see us once again and Mr. B was all smiles as his weight was reported in at 15.1 lbs and approximately 25 inches.  Brian and I both think that Mr. B's real height passes the 25 inch mark and is "unofficially" closer to 26 inches, but I guess we go with what the doc says for the record books :). 

After a thorough review, Dr. C reported that most of Beckham's behaviors are more like a 4 month old than a little 2 month babe.  Beck proudly showed off his best baby babble, how he can hold his head up without wobble and his tummy pushup.  I must confess, it was a proud mommy moment when the doc was bragging on how well Beckham was doing. 

Dr. C closed with "you guys are doing a good job" which was met by a smile and heavy sigh from both me and Brian.  Glad we are doing a good job with our little man!  Then, Dr. C scooted out of the room just in time for the shots.  He conveniently does this on purpose so the children don't associate him with the dreaded shots.  Beckham was no different.  After four pinches on his chunky thighs ... he cried for a moment and then quickly forgot them.  I'm just glad we don't have to do that with each visit!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Two Months Today!

It's official ... time is flying by us!  Mr. Beckham is two months old today.  The past few weeks have been full of giggles and smiles (him and us!) as his little personality is starting to take shape.  The highlight of the month came with only minutes to spare before his official 7:45 am birthday when he figured out how to flip over in his crib from his tummy to his back. 

Mr. B loves sleeping on his tummy and we let him do it for supervised naps most days.  I have noticed that over the last week or so that he has become much more alert when in this position.  He assumes a very rigid plank posture and can lift his legs and his head off the ground at the same time.  Now, he has figured out how to combine this pose with the little "frog" pose where his legs are tucked up tight under him.  So, over the past few days, he has tried as hard as he could to get his little legs up under him and push hard enough to flip over.  Most of the time, after about five minutes of such strenuous activity, the little guy gives up and admits defeat; but not this morning! 

After his bottle around 7am, it was obvious he wanted a little more naptime and so I placed him on his tummy in his crib.  From the video monitor in our room, I caught the perfect glimpse of Mr. B executing the perfect gymnastic flip as he rolled over to his back.  I'm not sure which of us was most surprised - him or me!  Poor Brian was still asleep, well ... he was asleep until I smacked his arm and proclaimed "he flipped!".  The response was something a little more groggy but nonetheless proud.  I watched a few more minutes as Mr. B tried to flop back to his tummy, but after no success and a few loud cries - I went in to rescue him and put him back on his tummy to sleep. 

And so begins our new month with the babe!  Given this morning's gymnastics, I'm sure it will be an active one!   

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

They All Fell Down...

Mr. B is quickly advancing and showing us new tricks daily.  He's gotten pretty good at sitting up, supported of course and enjoys spending a few minutes each morning sitting on our bed as I pick up the room.  He giggles and coos but most of all loves staring at the ceiling fan like it's the greatest toy of all time!  Sometimes, as captured here ... our perfect posture is interupted with a little Humpty Dumpty style fall :).

His Father's Child

The jury is still out on which one of his parents Mr. B favors.  I'm sure it will be that way for some time and he will undoubtedly be a mix of both Mom and Dad.  But ... every now and again, I snap a picture that just looks like a spitting image of one of us and I have that "ah ha" moment where I think I've cracked the mystery once and for all! 

Here, at week 7, Mr. B is definitely favoring his daddy and there's no doubt who that is in this pic!

Tennis Time

Last week, we ventured (twice) to the tennis courts for a little exercise.  Of course, Mr. B was in tow and received a proper courtside introduction to a favorite sport of the family!  Next visit ... he learns top spin :)!

Two Feet Tall and Bulletproof

I just can't believe our little babe is already two feet tall.  Well, he WAS two feet tall but has already likely passed this milestone at lightening speed!  As of today, his little footie pj's in size 3 month are officially too short for him.  Poor boy spent last night with his legs in a semi-tuck position thanks to Dad's ruling that they were "ok for a little bit longer".  After my review, these will be washed and put in the already filling up fast outgrown bin for baby #2!