Wednesday, August 31, 2011

They All Fell Down...

Mr. B is quickly advancing and showing us new tricks daily.  He's gotten pretty good at sitting up, supported of course and enjoys spending a few minutes each morning sitting on our bed as I pick up the room.  He giggles and coos but most of all loves staring at the ceiling fan like it's the greatest toy of all time!  Sometimes, as captured here ... our perfect posture is interupted with a little Humpty Dumpty style fall :).

His Father's Child

The jury is still out on which one of his parents Mr. B favors.  I'm sure it will be that way for some time and he will undoubtedly be a mix of both Mom and Dad.  But ... every now and again, I snap a picture that just looks like a spitting image of one of us and I have that "ah ha" moment where I think I've cracked the mystery once and for all! 

Here, at week 7, Mr. B is definitely favoring his daddy and there's no doubt who that is in this pic!

Tennis Time

Last week, we ventured (twice) to the tennis courts for a little exercise.  Of course, Mr. B was in tow and received a proper courtside introduction to a favorite sport of the family!  Next visit ... he learns top spin :)!

Two Feet Tall and Bulletproof

I just can't believe our little babe is already two feet tall.  Well, he WAS two feet tall but has already likely passed this milestone at lightening speed!  As of today, his little footie pj's in size 3 month are officially too short for him.  Poor boy spent last night with his legs in a semi-tuck position thanks to Dad's ruling that they were "ok for a little bit longer".  After my review, these will be washed and put in the already filling up fast outgrown bin for baby #2!

Little Man Is One Month

Check out pics from our adorable celebration of Mr. B's first month! 

One Month Doc Visit

Our little man is growing like a weed!  At a little over 5 weeks, we ventured back to the doctor for a checkup.  This time our little guy topped the scales at 12lb 14oz and a whopping 24 inches long.  As a friend reminded me, 24 inches is TWO FEET!  Amazing, the boy is already 2 feet tall and there's no telling how tall he will be one day!  It's no wonder my arm is getting a workout carrying his bucket around!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!

My, my ... where does the time go?  In the blink of an eye, Mr. B is already a month old and here's a few pics from along the way!  Most of the first month was filled with sleeping and bottle feedings, but we did manage a few smiles and fun moments.  The mom highlight of the month was when I sang (yes, in my terrible singing voice) "You Are My Sunshine" one night at bedtime and in return, B gave me a half asleep, peaceful smile.  At that moment ... it was love.

First Bath

One of the first things we realized upon our arrival home ... babies do not come with an instruction manual.  Well, they should.  And, we quickly learned that the first few baths were a two man job.  Dad's job was to hold B still while I took the scrubbing (gently) duty.  Pretty decent success and just a few weeks after the first bath, we were able to drop the tag team duty and efficiently have bath time with one less attendant!

B's First Visit Out

Just a day after arriving home and starting to adjust to our routine (if you can call it that so early on), we ventured out to visit our pediatrician for the very first time.  B was born weighing in at 8 lb and 11 oz and was 22 3/4 inches long.  Surprisingly not a giant in weight given that he arrived a 11 days late!  At one week old, the doctor informed us that B had gained any lost weight from his hospital stay and was already 8lb 14oz.  With that good news, we were cleared to stay clear of any additional appointments for a month!

Welcome Home!

On July 7, 2011 we welcomed Beckham Barnes Meager into our family with open arms.  And yes, as you can imagine the postings on this blog will be consumed with pictures of him as he grows.  My hope is to capture all the little moments that would otherwise be forgotten and provide a way to share these fun times with our family and friends.  Not to mention, ensure that my multi tasking mommy brain doesn't forget one split second of these wonderful times.

After a FULL week at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA; we were released to bring our bundle of joy home and begin the real fun.  Pictures from the hospital can be found on one of my other blogs.

In the Beginning ....

July 2011 marks the start of our "new normal" life as the Meager Party of 3.  While we have anxiously awaited little B's arrival for months and months, the time is already flying by us quicker than we can blink.  And so ... with only 6 weeks under our belt, I'm starting this blog to capture these times because as much as we say we will never forget; our memories will surely fade with the passing of more time. 

Join us on the journey as we grow together and experience all that life has to offer us each and every day.

And now, on with the show!